Language is a
until it's not.

takes too long
It shouldn't take 20 years to complete a Bible translation
isn't contextually accurate
Languages evolve making the accurate translation of sacred text for today's audience challenging
lack access
Small communities with rare languages are overlooked

We combine
AI translation &
human touch
to solve this problem
Faster Translations
AI works with you, cutting years and inspiring global
Authentic Voices
Your expertise, paired with AI, ensures the cultural and contextual accuracy of your translation
Expanding access
Your rare language can open a world of opportunities through Bible translation
A Helpful Tool for a Seamless Process
“So far, using the AvodahConnect application has been very helpful in the translation process...”
— Dina, Budong-Budong Translator
Easier Translation, Greater Impact
“This job feels interesting because the translation process is easier than before. I want to know and learn features that can make translating easier. Hopefully, we can become translators who can make a good contribution to all.”
— Julpa, Boana Translator

Languages preserved
Bible translations accelerated
Language sponsorship opportunities